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Parent Groups

Communication between the home and the school is of paramount importance at Avalon. The École Avalon School Council and Avalon Instrumental Music Society (A.I.M.S.) are two avenues of communication. In addition, we encourage parents to keep us informed and to use SchoolZone. We also encourage and truly value parental volunteer involvement in the school. Avalon is very fortunate to welcome many parents as coaches to our inter-school teams.


“School councils are collective associations of parents, teachers, secondary students, principals, staff and community representatives who work together to effectively support and enhance student learning. Joining a school council is one way members of the school community can get involved. 

School councils play an important role by providing advice and assistance to school principals and Trustees regarding educational issues. Involvement on these councils includes:

  • focusing on educational matters
  • providing input on topics such as program planning, school budgets, and school operations
  • serving as a liaison between parents, the school and community groups
  • locating resources such as speakers and volunteers
  • gathering information and sharing experiences
  • supporting the goals and objectives of the school.”